Last updates

Chemistry, I am scared!: Of course, you’ll tell me...
Films developed with Caffenol: Finally, I processed quite...
Caffenol Formulas: Preparing Caffenol is dissolving instant...



I am Christophe a left-hander. Despite of that, I always touch everything with both hands: miniatures fountains, small wood sculptures, diverse unpublished texts including a red chemistry thesis, numerous photography since ever, image manipulation on Macintosh...

The mixing of the last two disciplines, though a nearly alchemical process gave me unique printings I call “printotypes”. Those copies only can be appreciated being in front of it.

Recently, I logically get interesting in 3D photography and I offer that site on the Web to focus on that aspect. Further, it will grow diversificating with other themes.

I forgot to tell you that I’m found of tea.

My official portrait

Portait by Thomas
This portrait of mine was done by my friend photograph Thomas Jeantet in Madrid in October 2011.




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Reconstitution of the artist’s workshop.Reconstitution of the artist’s workshop.
Rodin’s in Meudon: Reconstitution of the artist’s workshop.