Last updates

Chemistry, I am scared!: Of course, you’ll tell me...
Films developed with Caffenol: Finally, I processed quite...
Caffenol Formulas: Preparing Caffenol is dissolving instant...


All images
 Friends   slide bar   Cha-cha   Double lens camera   Family   Madrid   Maillol   Portraits   Statue   Urban landscapes   Vérascope Richard   Torre Windsor 

Maillol’s sculpture.
Maillol’s sculpture.

14 II 2005.
14 II 2005.

18 II 2005.
18 II 2005.

23 II 2005.
23 II 2005.

Thomas: a genuine rocker!
Thomas: a genuine rocker!

-Roger Camille Marguerite ? ? - Madeleine
-Roger Camille Marguerite ? ? - Madeleine

-Eugénie Marguerite Roger Jules-
-Eugénie Marguerite Roger Jules-




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My logo as a cutting tool.
My friend Cloclo is a guenuine artist and designer. He realized for me my logo as a cutting tool.