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Chemistry, I am scared!: Of course, you’ll tell me...
Films developed with Caffenol: Finally, I processed quite...
Caffenol Formulas: Preparing Caffenol is dissolving instant...


All images
 slide bar   Computer generated image   Cha-cha   Double lens camera   Family   Fountains   Macrocyclic molecular helix   Lalique   Lyon   Madrid   Maillol   Objects   Pop-up   Portraits   Edition   Statue   Urban landscapes   Vérascope Richard   Torre Windsor 

11 helix.
11 helix.

15 helix.
15 helix.

Lalique’s butterfly.
Lalique’s butterfly.

Maillol’s sculpture.
Maillol’s sculpture.

Azca bajo (View 1).
Azca bajo (View 1).

Azca bajo (View 2).
Azca bajo (View 2).

Madrid Christmas’s decorations
Madrid Christmas’s decorations

Demolition in Madrid.
Demolition in Madrid.




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11 helix.
One of my first ever stereo-pairs 10 years ago (better with free vision).