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Chemistry, I am scared!: Of course, you’ll tell me...
Films developed with Caffenol: Finally, I processed quite...
Caffenol Formulas: Preparing Caffenol is dissolving instant...


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 slide bar   Cha-cha   Double lens camera   Exhibition   Family   Fountains   HDR   Lyon   Madrid   Maillol   House   Meudon   Clouds   Birds   Landscapes   Pop-up   Portraits   Edition   Rodin   Sunset   Statue   Urban landscapes   Vérascope Richard   Torre Windsor 

Bartholdi’s fountain.
Bartholdi’s fountain.

Somewhere in Madrid.
Somewhere in Madrid.

-Roger Camille Marguerite ? ? - Madeleine
-Roger Camille Marguerite ? ? - Madeleine

-Eugénie Marguerite Roger Jules-
-Eugénie Marguerite Roger Jules-

-2038-Curlu (Somme)-Cookers-
-2038-Curlu (Somme)-Cookers-

-539-Under The Snow-Rolling Kitchen-
-539-Under The Snow-Rolling Kitchen-

“Lago” metro station
“Lago” metro station




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A fountain (bad 3D)
A fountain in front of the thoronet abbey (window violation version).