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Chemistry, I am scared!: Of course, you’ll tell me...
Films developed with Caffenol: Finally, I processed quite...
Caffenol Formulas: Preparing Caffenol is dissolving instant...


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 Friends   slide bar   Cha-cha   Double lens camera   Family   Giverny   Lalique   House   Meudon   Monet   Objects   Landscapes   Portraits   Posographe   Edition   Rodin   Scanner   Statue   Vérascope Richard 

The Fouzon in La Vernelle.
The Fouzon in La Vernelle.

Repairing in La Gâtine.
Repairing in La Gâtine.

Christophe’s mess.
Christophe’s mess.

My slide bar for 3D shooting.
My slide bar for 3D shooting.

My logo as a cutting tool.
My logo as a cutting tool.

The “posographe” (Side 1).
The “posographe” (Side 1).

The “posographe” (Side 2).
The “posographe” (Side 2).

Small agate cup.
Small agate cup.




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Reconstitution of the artist’s workshop.
Rodin’s in Meudon: Reconstitution of the artist’s workshop.